Spinecare Topics

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Spinecare Introduction
Consulting a Spine Physician

What to tell your attending Spine Specialist about your back:

Your medical history is an important part of your first encounter with a spine physician. An accurate history of your complaint will make the approach to diagnosis easier and help direct you to the appropriate spine care.  Before your appointment with a spine specialist, you should answer the following questions.

  • When did the back pain start?
  • What does the pain feel like?
  • How long does the pain last?
  • What time of the day is the pain at its worst?
  • What other symptoms have you experienced?
  • What other medical conditions do you have?
  • What childhood illnesses or injuries have you experienced?
  • What is your surgical history?
  • Be prepared to review lifestyle habits, both bad as well as good. 
  • Be prepared to review your family history.
  • Have you had any medical testing that has been performed on the spine?
  • Do you experience extremity pain, numbness or tingling?
  • Do you experience any extremity muscle weakness? IF so, is the weakness progressive?
  • What caused the pain?
  • Are your bowel and bladder habits normal?


Educational Partners


To learn more about your spine. spinehealth, and available spinecare go to the International Spine Assocition (ISA) at www.spineinformation.org. The primary mission of the ISA is to improve spinehealth and spinecare through education. The ISA is committed to disseminating need-to-know information throught the World Wide Web in numerous languages covering many topics related to the spine, including information about spine disorders, spine heath, advances in technology and available spinecare

All health information posted on the site is based on the latest research and national treatment standards, and have been written or reviewed and appoved by the American Acedemy of Spine Physicians and/or International Spine Association physicians or health professionals unless otherwise specified.

The information provided on this site is designed to support. not replace,
the relationship that exists between patient/site visitor and his/her physician.